an introductory paragraph needs to have a clear thesis statement, which has to be specific, reliable, and interesting. As well, to attract your readers, you can use sources such as historical reviews, anecdotes, famous people, statistics, and surprising statements.
Announce your intentions. Do not flatly announce what you are about to do in an essay. Avoid following expressions:
– In this paper I will …
– The purpose of this essay is to …
– I am going to discuss the causes of falling oilprices.
• You can mention
– historical review
– anecdotal
– surprising statement
– famous person
The thesis statement presents the TOPIC of you essay, your particular focus on that topic, and your PURPOSE for writing about that topic.
Basic requirement for TS
• It states the essay’s subject – the topic that you discuss
• It conveys the essay’s purpose – either informative or persuasive.
• It indicates your focus – the assertion that presents your point of view.
• It uses specific language, not vague words.
• It may briefly state the major subdivisions of you essay’s topic.
Tips for writing to professor:
1.Write from your college or university e-mail account
2.Include the course number in your subject line.
3.Think about what you're saying.
Choose an appropriate greeting. "Hi/Hello Professor [Blank]"
Avoid rote apologies for missing class.
Ask politely. "Could you e-mail me the page numbers for the next reading? Thanks!"
Proofread what you've written. You want your e-mail to show you in the best possible light.
Sign with your full name, course number, and meeting time.
Don't send unexpected attachments.
When you get a reply, say thanks. Just hit Reply and say "Thanks,"
It's a good way to wrap up what you studied in class. Keep going! :)